Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lol...people to cats?

My friend, Tuifeather and I, since we go to the same school, have been drafting names for people from the warriors series. Yes. We are so obsessed and socially awkward that this is the only way to go on normally. JK.
Anywho, this is how part of our day went:

Firestar had set a task for Cinderheart and Hollyleaf. They were to complete 5 different things, aspects of becoming a warrior. They varied in difficulty.
Rosepetal joined them, bright and eager as always. Unbeknownst to them, it was a task for the whole Clan, apprentices and warriors alike.
"For the first task," Firestar began. "You will have to cross this stream in three bounds, no less and no more." Stepping stones carved shimmering grooves in the passing water.
Hollyleaf tentatively tested the water with her paw. It would be easy.
Watching her surroundings, she leaped onto a smooth, grey speckled stone. Then onto a slightly unsteady, wet rock. Teetering slightly, she made a misguided leap for the next stone and swept on to the other side, fur slightly ruffled. "Easy," she purred, beginning to lick her paws.
"Come on, guys. It's simple." Her friends crossed with ease, and it took a further 5 minutes for the rest of the Clan to cross. Some of the smaller apprentices toppled into the water, but they managed to cross all the same.

"Very good," Firestar said simply.
"You all accomplished that. The next task is slightly harder." He gestured to 5 mice, all grouped together and nibbling corn, crumbs and stuff.
"If I kill one of those mice, how many will there be left to kill?"
Two apprentices looked completely bewildered. They mewed in whispers and discussed what the answer would be. Many of the warriors had grasped it easily, but some were still looking confused.
"Oohh! Firestar, pick me!" Cinderheart meowed desperately. Firestar nodded.
"None left," she purred. "You would have scared them all off."
"Correct, Cinderheart."

For the next task, Firestar took them further into the forest, where all the rain gathered and dripped down onto cats' backs. He asked the remaining cats (the ones who had the incorrect answer went back to camp) to tell him "I have split this stone into three pieces. Correctly arrange the fragments, and you will go on."
Many of even the senior warriors were confused, and a few just pawed the ground in frustration.
Hollyleaf volunteered to go first, and went forward.
She nudged the rocks each with her paw, and tested them with her nose. Eventually, after a bit of trial and error, she fitted the pieces of rock together snugly, and she returned, setting her tail over her paws in contentment. A score of warriors and apprentices also passed, though 5 returned to camp with drooping tails, including Rosepetal. Cinderheart and Hollyleaf brushed her pelt in an attempt to cheer her up as she left.

Then Firestar brought the cats to the tunnels. Many warriors, especially Hollyleaf and Lionblaze, recoiled in horror. The flame coloured leader shoved a large stone on top of one of the holes that led into the tunnels. He then reared up on his hind legs and tipped open a large bay leaf containing a night's worth of rainwater. The water flooded down into the basin shaped slope, and didn't pass the rock that guarded the hole into the caves. It kept falling, until the water filled to the top.
"It takes 3 minutes to fill this slope, and..." he dived into the water and withdrew the stone. As the rainwater was washed down, he mewed "And four minutes to drain it. How long will it take to fill it, if I leave the stone out?"
Hollyleaf brushed pelts with Jayfeather and Lionblaze, who were looking testily down at the water running down the tunnels, and memories poured into their minds.
Hollyleaf refused to think how long it would take for her to drown. She shook her head at Firestar and stepped back. Cinderheart, however, poked her head down into the shallow basin and nosed the hole.
"12 minutes," she concluded triumphantly. Three other warriors nodded. Hollyleaf nodded glumly, not really looking at her friend.
"Correct," he purred, proud of Cinderheart and Hollyleaf. Only 5 cats were left: Hollyleaf, Cinderheart, Dustpelt, Dovewing and Graystripe.

"The final test, is the most difficult. It is a riddle. As a dove flies," Dovewing smirked slightly.
"a feather drops to the ground. The last letter of feather, is the first of something with a red breast. And the middle of that word, is the beginning of the leader before me's name."
Everybody was perplexed, even Dovewing who was usually high and mighty. Hollyleaf calmed down and focused on things rationally. The last letter of feather, she thought. 'R'. That's the last letter. 'R' must be the first letter of something with a red breast...red breast...a Robin! That works! The middle of Robin is the letter 'B'...Bluestar was the leader before Firestar! Hollyleaf thanked StarClan in relief, then turned to a half-there Cinderheart, pondering over the final task.
"Feather, Robin, Bluestar." Hollyleaf whispered to her tabby friend. Cinderheart turned with wide eyes then purred delightedly.
"Firestar? Feather, Robin, Bluestar." There were groans from the cats who hadn't gotten it.
Firestar licked the ear of the two young warriors and announced to the whole forest.
"Of all cats, Cinderheart and Hollyleaf completed the five tasks. They will get first pick of the fresh kill pile, come to the gathering as honoured guests, and will be relieved from all duties for the next moon. You have proven yourself well, young warriors."

This is about doing a math test, where only my friend and I got 5/5 XD
Laaaaav Macey xx.

PS: Do you not love my thing of Kestrelflight and Willowshine? If you haven't seen it, check it out on my fan-art page.